Wednesday, March 17, 2010

When I tell anyone that I am a nutritionist, they almost always ask me, "What should I eat."

The basic rule of thumb is, eat whole foods which are locally grown. That statement seems ambiguous to some. Our bodies are meant to consume foods made in proximal nature. Any food distanced from its origin, wether it be it growing place or its original form, is not going to enhance our health optimally.

Flour is a perfect example, it is processed broadening the gap between its form and the initial wheat berry it came from. Flour is deemed an energy taking food (by me), not an energy giving food. It takes more energy for your body to process and detoxify the consumption of flour than when you eat wheat berries. The energy you derive from flour is also short lived and leaves you with a craving for more where it would be highly unlikely that you would over eat wheat berries. Our innate satiate sensors also respond to whole foods differently than they do processed foods.

Eating whole foods can transform how you look and feel. Give it a try - 100%.

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