Friday, April 3, 2009


Today is a marvelous day mixed with pouring rains and occasional break through sun rays. It is as if the rain is cleansing earth and stripping away the layers once needed for winter protection. Nature shows us the miracle of spring. The transformation of self, ideas, paradigms and cells is happening all around us. It is as if the blossoms unveiling themselves outside are also in us, it is just a matter of looking within to see what is taking place. Outside of us we see the beauty of color juxtaposed against the bare brown branches while the color and flowering beauty is also occurring within. It just takes a moment to re-attune ourselves with this precious transformation. A moment to quieten the senses and look within and imagine a healthy body with renewed cellular regeneration. A moment to look at yourself from a distance and clear out those worrisome thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations leading you on the path to attaining the highest for all good. A moment to reassess where you are in your life and where you are going and if you are taking the steps in the direction to reach your highest potential.

This morning I went for a swim and the gentleman I was sharing a lane with said, "They are going to give you a speeding ticket for going so fast." I looked at him and was surprised, because speed is not what I am looking to attain when I swim. Speed must be a by-product, but my intention in swimming is to slow the breath, harness the chattering brain and find equanimity. Balance and a quiet mind is what I seek. The man said to me after my swim today that it was fluid, beautiful and as if I was at one with the water. I was pleased, because my intention was fulfilled, from a bystander's position as well as from the feeling it cultivated in me. 

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