Sunday, August 19, 2012

Monday, November 7, 2011

Goji Delight

Goji berries are one of the most incredible ultimate superfoods I know. I have been creatively experimenting on how to incorporate them into my life on a daily basis. Here is a recipe I have been working on for a few weeks:

Chipotle, Hemp, Goji Dressing and Dip

1/2 cup goji berries (soaked in just enough water to cover 20 minutes-2 hours)
2t chopped garlic
1/3 cup hemp seeds
1/2 chipolte pepper (soaked for 2-3 hours)
1T lemon juice
pinch of sea salt
chopped, fresh cilantro or basil for garnish

Empty the soaking water and goji berries in the blender with the hemp seeds, salt, lemon juice, chipolte pepper (careful here, all chipolte peppers are not created equal in spiciness. Be sure to remove seeds if you want to curb the bite of the spice.) Blend until a thick, creamy sauce emerges and enjoy with vegetable crudite, over shaved fennel or Swiss Chard or your favorite salad greens.

Goji berries are one food that has been directly linked to improving liver function, eyesight and is known to boost sperm production among men.

Goji berry detoxifies the body in an entirely natural way. Did you know that Gojis contain essential acids, dietary minerals, vitamins, monosaccharides, polyscharrides, fatty acids, linoleic acids, alpha-linoleic acids, phytosterols, beta-sitoterol, carotenoids, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, xanthopyll, lycopene, cryptoxanthin along with calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, riboflavin, Vitamin C as well as a multitude of other natural ingredients?

After centuries of use in China, Goji berries have proven to strengthen the immune system and stimulate the release of rejuvenating human growth hormone by the pituitary gland. Goji berries have been related as overall strength building. They increase longevity and are linked to sexual potency

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Raw Chocolate

Raw chocolate is the world richest source of antioxidants. Per 100 grams it contains 13,120 ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). That is more than goji berries, green tea, red wine, blueberries and acai combined! Incorporate raw chocolate into your life. Buy raw, fair trade cacao nibs and mix with your favorite sweetener, vanilla, raw coconut oil and a pinch of salt. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Baddhakonasana, whether sitting, laying (Supta) or inverted, the "fixed angle" pose has many benefits as it stimulates the heart and improves circulation in the pelvic region. It tones the spine, abdominal and pelvic regions as well as preventing hernia, alleviating sciatica and varicose veins. Baddhakonasana reduces menstrual pain, irregular periods and leukorrhea. Come to class to understand the inner working of how to practice this pose and its variations.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Medicinal mushrooms such as Royal Sun Blazei, Cordyceps, Enokitake, Amadou, Agarikon, Artist Conk, Reishi, Oregon Polypore, Maitake, Lion's Mane, Chaga, Shiitake, Mesima, Birch Polypore, Zhu Ling, Split Gill Polypore and Turkey Tail help to strengthen your immune system. Common to us are the shiitake mushrooms. Try slicing them and topping with fresh thyme, tamari, olive oil, lemon juice and crushed red pepper. Dehydrate for an hour to soften and enjoy all ways.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Raw Onion Bread

Raw Onion Bread: 
6 sweet onions, peeled and quartered
1.5 cups golden flaxseeds, freshly ground
1.5 cups hempseeds freshly ground
3/4 cup Nama Shoyu or tamari
1/2 cup olive oil 
1-10t Maca powder
poppy seeds for dusting 

Process ingredients in a food processor fitted with an “S” blade. Spread about 2 cups of the mixture on a dehydrator tray with a Teflex sheet repeating until the mixture is used. Dehydrate at 100 degrees for approximately 12 hours, flipping over and peeling off the Teflex sheet after 6 hours. Cut into desired size.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Onion "Bread"

Incan berries or commonly known as Peruvian gooseberries are extraordinary fruits full of phytonutrients and contain 16% protein. Hundreds of studies on bioflavonoids confirm that Incan berries strengthen the immune system and act as anti-virals, anti-carcinogens, anti-inflammatories, antihistamines, antioxidants and as antisclerotics. They improve the functioning of the eyes, brain and reproductive organs through their ability to nourish the capillaries.